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Brainstorming on Transformative Education

Under the supervision of Prof. Nalova Lyonga, top officials of MINESEC met on Wednesday 11th October 2023 at the Distance Education Centre in Yaoundé to discuss the opportunity of aligning Cameroon education system to Transformative Education.

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This meeting comes a few months after the Second World Conference on Transformative Education held at the University of Cape Coast in Ghana from 18th to 20th May 2023. The three-day conference, that attracted eminent academicians from all over the world, was held under the theme: "The Future of Africa and the Role of Transformative Education." Mr FOMBOH Julius FOMBUTU, Inspector Coordinator General in charge of the teaching of Computer Sciences at the Ministry of Secondary Education, attended this conference and shared his experience during this meeting.

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According to UNESSCO, Transformative Education is “an element of quality education and a crucial enabler for sustainable development. It empowers learners of all ages with the knowledge, skills, values and attitudes to address the interconnected global challenges we are facing, including climate change, environmental degradation, loss of biodiversity, poverty and inequality.” So, the working session of Wednesday was an opportunity to brainstorm on how Cameroon could take advantage of Transformative Education to contribute to its sustainable development, enabling students to solve concrete problems not only in their immediate environment, but also at both national and global levels.

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MINESEC officials took great care to examine the compatibility between the current approach of teaching in our schools (Competency Based Approach) and Transformative Education. They came to the conclusion that the two approaches are quite different but share lots in common.


Senior Staff



MINESEC and the World Bank meet to discuss about SESDP (PADESCE)

The Minister of Secondary Education, Prof. Nalova Lyonga, granted an audience to Cheick F. Kanté, World Bank Country Director, and his delegation on Friday 06th October 2023. The discussions were centred around the implementation of the Secondary Education Skills and Development Project (SESDP).

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This audience which comes after MINESEC and the World Bank staff worked together in commission some days ago, aimed at assessing some key aspects (financial, institutional…) in the implementation of SESDP. Worth mentioning is the fact that SESDP is an initiative of the Government of the Republic of Cameroon implemented with the support of the World Bank. The two parties discussed the progress of the project as well as the ways to overcome the various challenges they face in its implementation. One of the challenges raised during this meeting was the case of primary school pupils intending to access secondary schools but restrained by the lack of birth certificates.

 SESDP aims to improve equitable access to quality secondary education and technical and vocational training adapted to the market, with an emphasis on girls. This justifies one of the key questions discussed during the meeting: How do we support girls, quickly and effectively?

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MINESEC considers SESDP a mean to update and upgrade teachers’ skills to meet the requirements of modern teaching (with distance education and the use of the white board for example): “We want to use PADESCE to bring in the modern aspect of distance education, updating teachers’ skills, using modern board.” the Minister said.

The meeting ended on a positive note of hope for good outcomes from this project. “We want to be alongside your efforts.” Cheik Kanté said during the meeting, “Our aim is to support human capital in education in Cameroon.”


Senior Staff

Newsletter No.11 Le Secondaire



MINESEC challenges teachers to exercise their high sense of responsibility to carry the country forward.


To Professor Nalova Lyonga, “teachers must understand what it is to be modern.”

The ceremony held at the Yaounde Sports Complex on Thursday, 5th October 2023 was yet another opportunity for Professor Nalova Lyonga, Minister of Secondary Education, to remind teachers of their pivotal role in shaping the country’s future.

Organised under the theme “The Teachers We Need for the Education We Want: The Global Imperative to Reverse the Teacher Shortage”, the 2023 edition of World Teachers’ Day advocates for a valued teaching profession, with an emphasis on stopping the decline in the number of teachers.

Fortunately, addressing this issue is a top priority in the Ministry’s agenda where the digitalisation of teaching/learning remains the order of the day, as performed in a play by the theatre group of Lycée Général Leclerc during the ceremony. The minister called on “the king of the chalk” to exercise their high sense of responsibility in fulfilling their obligation, with due consideration of constraints imposed by modernity.


Such an obligation requires teachers “to update their skills in order to fit in this era of fast changing times”, declared Paul Coustère, the Director of UNESCO Sub-regional Office for Central Africa, as he delivered the joint statement from UNESCO, ILO, UNICEF and Education International on teachers’ Day.

Regarding teachers’ concerns, some of which were highlighted by Mrs Mfouapon Zenabou, Vice-Principal at GHS Mballa 2, in her academic discourse on the theme, Professor Nalova Lyonga assured that “everybody listens to teachers” and that they “don’t need to strike because the Head of State is listening”. Rather, teachers should focus on providing first-class education to Cameroonian children.


To add to the international recognition of teachers’ mandate, some teachers in the Mfoundi Division were awarded Academic Honours in the ranks of Knight and Officer while others were promoted to various ranks of National Orders on October 5, 2023.

Aimé Ngidjol

Senior Staff/Celcom


The 2023-2024 school year is well on course in MINESEC

This is following the assessment visit to some schools in the Mfoundi Division, on Monday 4th September 2023.


The 2023-2024 school year officially kicked off in Cameroon on Monday, 4th September 2023. It is to ascertain the effective resumption of classes that top officials in the Ministry of Secondary Education (MINESEC) undertook an appraisal visit to five schools in Yaounde. Boniface Bayaola, Secretary of State in MINESEC in charge or Teacher’s Training, led the delegation composed, among others, of Prof Fabien Nkot, Secretary-General, Akat Fidelis Etta, Inspector General of Services, Jean-Paul Marcelin Mebara, Inspector General of Education.


College Jean-Tabi, Government Bilingual Teacher’s Training College Nlongkak, Government Bilingual Technical High School Nkolbisson, Government High School Biyem-assi and Government Bilingual Technical and Commercial High School Yaounde were the five schools visited.

In line with the Ministry’s commitment to intensify the digitalisation of teaching practices, MINESEC officials inspected the computer laboratories in these schools. They inquired about the quantity and state of computers while insisting on the availability of permanent Internet connection. The turnout was equally another area of interest which was satisfied by most schools apart from Government Bilingual Teacher’s Training College Nlongkak where the students’ attendance was less satisfactory.

In the various Technical High Schools visited, Boniface Bayaola checked if workshops and their respective appliances were ready and fit to welcome learners.


At GBTHS Nkolbisson, the ministerial delegation inspected workshops for Woodwork, Automobile Mechanics, and observed a digitalised lesson in Electrical Engineering. At GBTCHS Yaounde, only the workshop for Clothing Industry was checked.

With its neat green spaces and a turnout of about 4,000 students on this very first day of school, GHS Biyem-assi provided the best example of effective class resumption. All of which enchanted the Secretary of State who spent not less than 15 minutes listening to Donovan Mbougnia Kuete, a science teacher, as he was presenting the course outlines and sharing tips for success to Terminale D students.

At the end of the tour, the Secretary of State commended the quality human resources and infrastructure available in the various schools. He wished full success to both students and teachers in their endeavour for this school year.

By Aimé Ngidjol


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