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The Inspectorate-General of Services

Under the authority of Inspector General of Services, the Inspectorate- General of services shall be responsible for:
    • evaluating of the performances of services as per the goals set, in conjunction with the Secretary-General;
    • ensuring the internal control and evaluation of the functioning of the services of the Ministry;
    • informing the Minister and the Secretary of State on the quality of functioning and the output of Services;
    • assessing application of organisational techniques and methods as well as the simplification of administrative work, in conjunction with the competent services of the  Administrative Reforms;
    • implementats of the strategy to fight against corruption within the Ministry, in conjunction with the Anti-Corruption Unit of the Ministry.
 Besides the Inspector-General, it shall comprise 3 (three) Inspectors of Services.
In the discharge of their control and evaluation duties, the Inspector-General and the Inspectors of Services shall have access to all the documents of the services under  the control. In this respect, they may:
    • demand information, explanations or documents from the officials of the services under the control, who are bound to furnish them within the deadline;
    • require, for a while, the services of the staff of other structures of the Ministry;
    • request, when necessary and upon to the Minister's authorisation, the services of the forces of law and order to lend a hand or to notice attempts to damage public property. 
Each inspection or control mission shall lead to the writing of a report to be forwarded to the Minister, with a copy to the Secretary General.
The Minister shall forward a copy of this report to the Minister in charge of Administrative Reform and to the Minister in charge of Supreme State Audit.
The Minister shall forward a quarterly control report as well as an annual report of the activities of  the Inspector-General to the Prime Minister, Head of Government.

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+237 222 223 843